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Self-Isolation Woes, Your Fitness, and You: Keep the Negative Energy Out with These Three Actions

Self-isolation during COVID pandemic was a challenge. It was difficult to find your balance and get right with yourself. A lot of adults and children experienced high levels of sttess and anxiety because of the pandemic.

But there are under some circumstances when periods of self-imposed isolation and can cause stress and anxiety; as examples I can cite:

  • working remotely from home using teleconferencing, which was an essential ingredient to maintaining some semblance of normalcy during the pandemic and was seen as a boon by many
  • the bad weather and cold of a northern winter or the heat and humidity of a southern summer 
  • the aftermath of the loss of a life partner

It is crucial that an individual affected in the way takes action to avoid the damagain negative effects  of such  woes.

Counseling Associates of Sarasota invites you to take a look at some methods of relieving stress (such as decluttering your home, trying out new exercise, getting away, and connecting with your community), and how you can use them to the fullest as you continue to reconnect .

1. Declutter your home

Some folks find that the method of taking the stress of the everyday and relegating it to the back of your mind is helpful. The point is to focus on your immediate vicinity as a way of maintaining positive energy.

The premise is simple: try to declutter your space.

One easy way to enjoy the space you find yourself in is to declutter. The very act of making your home less complicated — with everything in its place and a place for everything — will help create a sense of self-confidence that can energize you into tackling your to-do list.

Mental wellness is absolutely key in our  lives, and when your family doesn’t want to agree with you on this point, it can be overwhelming. Bad energy can manifest from blame, criticism, negative comments, and other kinds of foul interpersonal experiences — and that seeps into your personal space, making isolation even more strenuous.

However, the negative energy that comes from complaining, arguing, and critical comments can be washed away by injecting some positivity with fresh air, clean spaces, and uncluttered rooms.

In fact, it’s been reported that cluttered spaces produce high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol, which means that taking the time to detoxify your space from extraneous items can give you the serotonin boost you need.

2. Stay active and aware

Another way of relieving some of the stress — and getting critical workout hours on the clock — is by taking up a sport. Releasing endorphins in your brain — which exercise is great for — can help you relieve stress and improve mental stability.

For instance, investing in a personal trainer can help you define your fitness regimen and get yourself out of that isolation mindset by pushing you to focus on smaller, more realistic goals. Personal trainers also hold you accountable for taking your health into your own hands.

One kind of solo workout you may want to mention to your personal trainer is boxing. The health benefits of boxing extend far beyond physical fitness. In fact, these kinds of activities offer mental benefits as well.

3. Get Away for a Bit

If you’ve found yourself looking at the same set of walls. Don’t underestimate the power of simply getting away for a little bit.

You don’t have to plan a long vacation far from home. Instead make time for a quick getaway, even if it’s just a few miles away, to get out of the house and enjoy some downtime.

4. Connect with your community

In a lot of cases, stress from isolation comes from feelings of boredom in both children and adults. You may miss in person  interactions with your co-workers fellow members of society.

It’s for this reason that connecting with your community can be a huge mental boosts.

Keeping your communal bond alive starts with you, but it can include interactions with establishments in your area that make a point to support the community.

If and when you are ready…

If you want guidance to make changes in your life arising from stress and anxiety and/or its close relative, depression, I invite you to call me today to set up an appointment held on Zoom by either phoning me at (941) 306 1235 or emailing me at [email protected].

I offer a complimentary 15 minute by phone if you have questions you would like answered before beginning counseling.