by Sharon Wagner | Mar 9, 2024
In our fast-moving world, stress has become an omnipresent aspect of everyday life. It shapes our experiences, impacts our well-being, and challenges our mental health. Yet, understanding and effectively managing these stressors is not just a necessity but a skill...
by Marilyn halls | Mar 1, 2024
The desire to improve your relationship is important for the mental health of couples. Hardly a human being alive couldn’t benefit from these helpful tips for healthy and happy relationships based on the research of John Gottman Ph,D. Let’s start, shall...
by Marilyn halls | Mar 27, 2017
Depression, anxiety, a bad break-up or loss of a job…those are just a few of the multiple scenarios that might cause somebody to see a mental health counselor. But what about people whose lives are “right on track?” Did you know that many of them seek counseling as...